Sustained Powerlessness

I’m starting to think that being a ux design researcher is sometimes like being a tattle tale. You’re reporting up the chain that something is broken, or doesn’t work the way users would expect it to, or how they’d like it to and guess what? Mommy and Daddy don’t care. There’s a certain comfort level […]

All Hail The Little Guy

Talked to a buddy of mine the other day who owns and runs a digital media agency, and they just hit their eight year anniversary in May of 2020, coming up on nine years this May. I asked him how the pandemic was affecting business. He admitted that they were struggling, but keeping their heads […]

Takes One To Know One

You know the phrase, “you can’t bullshit a bullshitter?” I’ve always understood this, being a self-proclaimed bullshitter. The only person who can really tell if I am lying is my mother, and even though she thinks she knows, she doesn’t always.  In the world of business, I contend that in leadership and bosshood, there is […]

Drinking from the Firehose

The euphemism is thrown around a lot during someone’s first week/month/quarter at a new workplace. When a veteran at the startup asks a newbie, “How’s it going? You picking up what we putting down? Or as Anna Weiner’s crew in Uncanny Valley says, “You down for the cause?” A typical newbie response, if they’re savvy […]