Scattered, on Purpose

Scattered, on Purpose

Constant updates, interface changes. Scatterbrained results.

The Disillusionment of Your Professional Self

The Disillusionment of Your Professional Self

Even Dad, (a career Marine) had a bout of sincere discontent with a superior officer.

All the Jobs I Do Not Want

All the Jobs I Do Not Want

Yes, I’ve applied to all of them.

Fighting With A Machine

Fighting With A Machine

It’s not just John Henry, the folkloric symbol of man vs. machine. It’s all of us nowadays.

The Right to Remain Silent

The Right to Remain Silent

Off-duty, but over-identifying. Emerson thought it was weird he didn’t know the other two pilots on duty.

Canary In The Coal Mine

Canary In The Coal Mine

Addicted To Your iPhone, or your social media “feed?” Been there, done that

Your Craptitude and My Aptitude

Your Craptitude and My Aptitude

I’ve almost lost count of how many times I’ve been laid off. (eight times in 23 years) Isn’t that some kind of record?

Good Enough for Government Work

Good Enough for Government Work

Do I have what it takes to be a bureaucrat? I certainly cannot spell that word without help.

Soul-Crushing Work

Soul-Crushing Work

Maybe you’d rather sling burgers at the drive-thru…

Being An Ex

Being An Ex

In the Tech Industry, more than two years at any one firm is considered an eternity