Back in late 1998 and early 99, I was a research assistant to small business columnist Rhonda Abrams, who, at the time, was working on a non-fiction book called Wear Clean Underwear – Business Wisdom from Mom.

The structure of the book was great: each of the chapters was a saying from Mom, ‘the ultimate leader;’ she “not only leads, she nurtures, teaches, sustains and guides.

Don’t Get Too Big for Your Britches featured Patagonia, the outdoor clothing manufacturer that has been in business since … well at least since the early 70s, their history is an endless, detailed important scoll-athon, if you are so inclined.

So I wasn’t surprised to see Patagonia put their money where their values are, and to see the item sell out.

Now that big corporations ARE paying attention to how their PAC money is distributed and spent, Patagonia has been leading the way the whole time. Rhonda knew it 20 years ago.