Consider this part three in the YCTTJASI series: *You Can Take This Job and Shove It!

I’ve been on the new job for almost thirty days now and my boss, only two weeks longer than me; when whamo! She just gives two weeks notice, within her first two months. I tried to hide my facial reaction, as we’re on a zoom call (with video on) for our third weekly 1×1 and she says:

“Before we get started I have some news to share”

my former (short-lived) boss

Of course I know what’s coming out of her mouth next, because this is the third time in my career that this has happened; my boss leaving within my honeymoon period. I don’t think my lip pursing-grimace and uncontrollable eye roll were visible, but only she could tell you.

Her reasoning was, really: the company we’ve joined is just giving us lip service; they don’t really know or understand what it takes to support and empower us to do good, impactful work.

To be fair, the guy that hired us both gave his notice on her first week, and it was partially his vision and leadership that got both of our (new) requisitions approved. But he left her holding the very heavy bag so to speak, to carry up a very steep hill. This is a 30 year old company, setting up a new way of working, it isn’t going to happen overnight like she expected it should. She claimed that because I am only an individual contributor, I wouldn’t be hitting the same walls she had, and she (tried to) assure me that I’d be fine here.

All I can say is: We’ll See! Time Will Tell.

I’ve committed to at least two years, or I’d have to pay back my signing bonus. (not that I couldn’t pay it back; but it’s the principle of it, right?…RIGHT?) I guess I am more patient than she is, I recognize a large org like this is facing change management issues (which is really business code for ‘people won’t adjust to the new ways of working overnight, but you have to force them to do it quickly, and reward those who can, culling those who won’t.’)

That is not a research problem, and it’s my job to be part of this new way of working. I’ve got to give that some time.

At least 23 more months.

(YCTTJASI Part ii)