I had an account issue with the online sign-ups at a local gym recently. The owner accidentally merged my ID with another person who has the same name that I do. (Fast Fact: there are over 300+ christine youngs in the SF Bay Area, imagine how many are in Salt Lake City!)

Now it’s been resolved, but it certainly didn’t “feel” like it was. It didn’t help that the in-person interaction I’d had with the owner, “Cassie” left me feeling even more stupid than the online booking system had. She informed me, condescendingly, that there were seven other accounts with my info; supposedly indicating I had gone through this failed loop seven times. Nevermind that there was a Facebook merge issue, and, like I said, at least 300 other women that share my same name, here in my geography. In my mind, it is more likely that about five other times, your system f*cked up our records.

I admit to maybe attempting this login twice. (But, if I were a different gender, I’d admit to nothing! sorry, sidebar)

Anyway, I don’t go to that gym anymore. I did wait until I had used up all my pre-paid sessions, but it was a struggle each time to make sure someone else with my name wasn’t booking those sessions. And each time, Cassie made me feel like it was my fault.

I guess I should have some words of wisdom about customer care, or online identity management, but I don’t. I just feel I’ve been dissed, in more ways than one.